
Our lives are a tapestry. Woven with the interlaced threads of our experiences, decisions, events, and most of all people. As the warp of our lives unfold, every moment creates the weft. The richness of our tapestry is determined by each moment – even a single instance in time. Every new person adds color, every new event adds texture. We can choose cotton for our weft – a life ordinary; or we can weave with silk, gold and silver. In this interlaced tapestry, to live an ordinary life weakens the fabric and degrades the design. To live a life a experiences, adventure and deep friendships is to weave an everlasting fabric.

Live with no regrets. Tell others how you feel. Make meaningful connections.


Alea Iacta Est

Latin for “The Die is Cast” – a great mindset after you make a decision. Don’t waiver, don’t second guess; just execute. There is no turning back, the die is cast.

– Stone