Theory of the Nail

We all have those “things” that annoy us – people, job, habit. While they may be an annoyance, we tolerate them for some reason. Let’s take your job. There is something that isn’t right. It could be your pay, your responsibilities or your staff. These annoyances are like a nail in your back pocket.

That nail could be a small nail used to hang a picture. You feel it back there, but it is not enough to make you change. Then one day, that nail becomes just a bit larger – you think about it daily.

Finally, that nail becomes a spike. You think about it hourly, it changes your mood, it impacts your personality.

It is only when that nail reaches that point do we make a change. By why?

When you feel that small nail, you need to realize it is not going to go away – it will only get worse. Make the change. Remove the nail.

What is your nail?



One of my favorite Stoneism is the following, “Our greatest fears lie in anticipation.” This quote profoundly changed my outlook in tough situations where the end result is unknown. How often do I immediately think about the “worst case scenario” or “what if this happens.”

Take that deep breath and reminded yourself that the situation needs to unfold – simply deal with the now; not the what if.


Crossing Paths

The uncontrollable events in our lives are often caused by free will choices.

Let me explain my theory of “crossing paths.”

Our lives are on a constant forward moving trajectory, but not in a vacuum. On this path, we are continually making decisions under the constant pressure of good and evil. We have choices to make, but so do others.

For those that walk in the light, their choices are good. Lives represented by an arrow arcing upward.

However, there are others who follow a different path. Those that use their free will to walk in darkness. Lives represented by an arrow arcing downward.

Since these arrows are not on the same plane, they will eventually intersect. This “crossing paths” is where heartbreak, sadness, and tragedy resides. This is where a church van is hit by a drunk driver. Where a child is killed by a school shooter. Often it is the answer to why bad things happen to good people.

So why follow the upward arc with no assurance of a life free of darkness? Stone has read the story and knows how it ends.

Just a theory, I could be wrong.

In Times Like This

  • You will discover your true friends.
  • You will learn what makes you special.
  • You will find your inner strength.
  • You will see the heart of others.
  • You will build resilience.

No one does it alone.


Things I Know To Be True

Walk away from people who don’t value you. They might not know your worth, but you do.

Don’t be embarrassed by your emotions, that is what makes you human.

Live each day as if it is your last. It might be.

Learn what makes you happy. Only you are responsible for your happiness.

Ground yourself with deep friendships. Nothing else matters.

Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you feel it, say it.

Stone has found new friends that he values more than they know. You know who you are – you mean the world to me.
