The End

Stone’s final post.

Find good friends and cherish their time.

Be humble, generous and kind.

You only have so much time – make it count.

Stone out.

Alanis Knows

The moment I let go of it, was the moment I got more than I could handle.

The moment I jumped off of it, was the moment I touched down.

Thank U – Alanis Morissette

Focused Clarity

Stone went to the mountains for guidance. Here is what to expect for 2025:

  • Generosity
  • Friendship
  • Loyalty
  • Listening
  • Judicious
  • Gratefulness
  • Humility

Stone has clarity on what is important. Stone is focused on the goal.



Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is a manipulative tactic used by corporations to retain key talent. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.

Stone wants, no Stone needs to make a change – but FUD has been the hinderance. FUD is that little voice that keeps me tied to a paycheck. FUD is that little voice that says, “you can’t make it.” FUD is that tether that keeps me from soaring. FUD is the enemy.

No more.

The Time Is Now.



Look at an apple tree. It produces delicious fruit, but it can’t eat it.

Look at a rose bush. It produces a beautiful flower, but it can’t smell it.

Those gifts are for others to enjoy.

Think about the gifts you have – those are not for you.

They were given to you for the benefit of others.


The Back Nine

Stone recently played a round of golf with friends. On the first nine holes, Stone was not Stone. Stone was letting a situation take him outside the moment. What should have been a joyful time was slowly being ruined – missing was the conversations, the laughter and the continual bonding of friends. In its place was a snapped 7-iron and silence.

Then came the back nine. Stone had a self-talk to remind himself the importance of every moment. This day would soon be gone and what was to be gained? And what could be lost? Stone returned and next nine holes were full of laughter. As I stood on the 18th green (watching someone chip in from 20 yards for a birdie), I looked around the course and let the November sun warm my face thinking “how fortunate am I?”

In life, Stone is on the Back Nine. I’m reminded that I only have so many holes left to play. Yes, I will occasionally put one in the water and I will miss a few par putts. But in the end, Stone is going to once again stand on that 18th green, look over the course (my life) and realize how truly fortunate I was.


PS – Thanks to my friends who had to endure that front nine.


It is not me against others, it is me against me.

I need to be better person today than I was yesterday.

I need to work harder today than I did yesterday.

I need to be a better friend today than I was yesterday.

Stone doesn’t need to measure up to anyone – he just needs to be better than yesterday’s Stone.

Theory of the Nail

We all have those “things” that annoy us – people, job, habit. While they may be an annoyance, we tolerate them for some reason. Let’s take your job. There is something that isn’t right. It could be your pay, your responsibilities or your staff. These annoyances are like a nail in your back pocket.

That nail could be a small nail used to hang a picture. You feel it back there, but it is not enough to make you change. Then one day, that nail becomes just a bit larger – you think about it daily.

Finally, that nail becomes a spike. You think about it hourly, it changes your mood, it impacts your personality.

It is only when that nail reaches that point do we make a change. By why?

When you feel that small nail, you need to realize it is not going to go away – it will only get worse. Make the change. Remove the nail.

What is your nail?
