Theory of the Nail

We all have those “things” that annoy us – people, job, habit. While they may be an annoyance, we tolerate them for some reason. Let’s take your job. There is something that isn’t right. It could be your pay, your responsibilities or your staff. These annoyances are like a nail in your back pocket.

That nail could be a small nail used to hang a picture. You feel it back there, but it is not enough to make you change. Then one day, that nail becomes just a bit larger – you think about it daily.

Finally, that nail becomes a spike. You think about it hourly, it changes your mood, it impacts your personality.

It is only when that nail reaches that point do we make a change. By why?

When you feel that small nail, you need to realize it is not going to go away – it will only get worse. Make the change. Remove the nail.

What is your nail?
